~Stained Glass~

I started working with Ralph on stained glass sometime during the early spring of 2002. I started out doing grinding and basic shaping of peices that he had cut out. basicaly, he said he liked doing stained glass, but the part he liked least was the grinding, that he didn't mind tracing stuff out, cutting out the shapes, foiling the edges, soldering, and cleaning/polishing.. but wanted someone else to do the grinding. He sort of knew me, we have friends in common, so I was offered a chance to learn about working with stained glass. Over the course of several months of working for him, he taught me how to do the rest of the type of stained glass work he does. Part of the deal we had worked out at the beginning was that if I had something I wanted to make, I could do it on my own time, and he would supply the materials (withen reason). So, this here is a page for my own projects that I've done in Ralph's shop (though the metalwork on some of them was done in Gregory's shop).

Glass for Laurie
Autumn/winter of 2002
Materials Used: copper plumbing pipe, electrical wire, hot enamel, sheet glass, copper foiling tape, solder, copper patina for solder.
Time involved: I haven't a clue. Number of hours would be in the hundreds.
More Details; Inspiration, More Pictures

July to the 11th of November, 2003
More Details; Inspiration, More Pictures

Winter of 2002/2003, Work in Progress
Materials used: various types of sheet glass and two large glass cabs, copper foil & solder. copper sheet metal, copper electrical wire, and copper plumbing pipe.
Time involved so far: A lot, though I kept no record. Worked on this off and on from December 2002 to September 2004.

Another of my original patterns, the glass work is loosely based on some Edwardian and Victorian stained glass designs. The copperwork around the edges was no part of my original plan, but I could not decide what type of glass to use for the border. I decided to use sheets of copper to fit in the areas of the border, and do more with ivy made of twisted 16 gauge electrical wire and leaves that were once copper plumbing pipe. This panel was made to fit a cabinet window above my mothers kitchen sink.